Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Technomage - A quest through years


I first played the game 20 years ago.  When there was no YouTube and no video walkthroughs.  It didn't help in any way with the difficult puzzles in it.  I remember struggling on them for a long time.  And for others , a childhood friend with whom we sometimes played together, helped me.

I still have only the cd-r disc and the personally made cover with sketches of solved puzzles.
At one point, however, my friend and I came to a puzzle that we couldn't solve.  We have struggled for a lot of hours and I struggled alone.
So I left the game.  Since I played it on the Playstation 1, it's clear that the memory card file was subsequently lost.
Still, the game remained for me, one of the best I've ever played, and I never gave up on the idea of ​​starting it again.
Years later, I watched out of curiosity How the puzzle in question was played, but I no longer had access to the game and was on a different wave in my life.
I recently found time for her and I can say that I am currently rediscovering her beauty.
I'm playing the PC version so there's a slight upgrade in the graphics as well.
Being a middle-aged man now, I don't have the time, and honestly, the desire to take pictures or record video walkthrough. I,m big married man with children.
So I can quickly throw in a bit about the game… Or may be write some updates for my progress in this post.

Part 1: Dreamers town

You are Melvin an Elvish teenager, who lives with his mother. Hi is half dreamer and half steamer... This are two types of same species, but ones are specialized in magic and others in mechanics.

They live in different villages and are forbbiden to live together or marrying together.

So the first objective is to go to your uncle's house and talk to him. When you got there you will find note on his door, that he will be back later.

You must explore the village and solve different tasks and chores to progress in time. Every completed task will gave you experience and clock will go forward to meet your uncle.

Somewhere in the middle a guy from steamer town will came at the village square and say that there was earthquake at their village and monsters attack them from the ground.

So for some reason people will blame Melvin for this because hi is half blood. They send you to wait there decision in your uncle house. When you finally open his house and meet him. You have to game him his compass from the the first dungeon, beneath his house...

When you are done he will give you your first weapon and the compass and send you away, because the people decided to banish you from the village. You say goodbye to your mother and escape dreamer town. Then you go to steamertown to live with your dad.

Part 2 Steamer town

When you enter the city, you will find it half burned and destroyed.

Surprise ... Your father's house is locked and you have to wander around the village and help literally everybody for something to progress in time.

A miner is missing in the mine and you have to find a way to enter and save him. When you upgrade your weapon to sword and find dynamite you can enter.

This is the second dungeon in the game and it's far more big and difficult. There are some puzzles and you have to think harder.

When you are done and help the miner, you will continue in the mine to find a specific ORE, which is needed to make KEY to open your father's house.

You gave the ore to the blacksmith and you have to wait whole night for him to make the KEY.

You go outside and it's time to visit the GRAVEYARD in Steamer town to see what is the fuss.

The graveyard crypt could be a whole new part. It's a big dungeon I which you must help your death granny to fight some spirits. It's a complicated dungeon with puzzles. When your are done you have your first spell from your granny and it's time to go back to steamer town.

When you go back you will get the key, read your father's diary and find out that he is on a secret mission in the big hole in the ground. You'll clog all steam holes and fix the mechanism to putt fire down. A quick fight with the scrapyard monster and you'll enter the hole.

This next part it's a massive, massive and complicated dungeon.

 Be prepared for at least two hours of gameplay. You'll get three level upgrade if you destroy all monsters. Here we find new spell, a bomb item and the WAR MACE.

  Part 3 Fairy forest
As soon as you clear the hive you'll find yourself in the fairy forest, when you'll interact will fairies... It's vary beautiful, calming and magical place. I really like this part. 
So here first thing you have to do is to find some staff to shrink yourself to enter a micro city.

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