Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Late Night with the Devil: A Devilishly Clever Horror Ride (with a Few Flaws)

"Late Night with the Devil" is a unique horror film that throws you headfirst into the flickering world of a late-night talk show gone wrong. Set entirely during a supposed "lost" episode from 1977, the movie thrives on its ingenious concept.

The Good

Original Premise: The film cleverly uses the format of a talk show, complete with awkward jokes, cheesy commercials, and audience participation. This creates a sense of normalcy that gets shattered as things take a demonic turn.

Stellar Acting: David Dastmalchian delivers a captivating performance as the troubled host, Jack Delroy. The supporting cast is equally strong, adding to the film's authenticity.

Practical Effects: Prepare to be grossed out! The movie relies on impressive practical effects, creating some truly horrifying visuals.

The Not-So-Good

Found Footage Feels Forced: The film is framed as found footage, but this element doesn't always feel necessary. It can be a bit distracting at times.

Pacing Issues: While the movie starts strong, there's a lull in the middle section before the full-on demonic chaos erupts.

Logical inconsistencies: For a found footage film, there are moments that defy believability


"Late Night with the Devil" is a breath of fresh air in the horror genre. Despite some pacing issues and a slightly overused found-footage trope, the film is a wild ride with strong performances, a killer concept, and some seriously disturbing imagery.

Recommendation: If you're looking for something different and enjoy practical effects gore, this movie is definitely worth a watch. Just be prepared for some campiness alongside the chills.

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